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2 Alfred Layan st، Syria st, Roushdy, Alexandria.

Agial Breastfeading Clinic

Despite the common use of instant formula milk lately and the decrease of breast feeding mothers, international awareness to support breastfeeding has increased due to the major benefits to the mother and baby that comes only from breastfeeding.


Agial’s breastfeeding clinic is supervised by specialists in this field, where mothers start to visit the clinic before giving birth to receive the instructions to facilitate breastfeeding. Also follow-ups, after giving birth, are necessary to ensure proper breastfeeding and overcome any problems faced.


Benefits to mothers:

  • Decrease the risk of breast cancer
  • Decrease the risk of uterus and ovarian cancer
  • Protection from osteoporosis
  • Time interval between conceiving each child due to the delay of ovulation during breastfeeding.
  • Helps in weight loss

Benefits to baby:

  • Mother’s milk helps in the cleaning and flexibility of guts and treats jaundice.
  • The nutrients in the mother’s milk help in the proper development of the baby’s brain and increases intelligence
  • Breast feeding process strengthens the facial muscles and helps in fast teething.
  • Breast feeding decreases the chance of child obesity
  • Breast feeding protects from getting asthma, tetanus and enteritis.


Clinic Services

Decrease the risk of breast cancer

Decrease the risk of breast cancer

Breast feeding process strengthens the facial muscles and helps in fast teething

Breast feeding process strengthens the facial muscles and helps in fast teething

Decrease the risk of uterus and ovarian cancer

Decrease the risk of uterus and ovarian cancer

Breast feeding decreases the chance of child obesity

Breast feeding decreases the chance of child obesity

Protection from osteoporosis

Protection from osteoporosis

Breast feeding protects from getting asthma, tetanus and enteritis

Breast feeding protects from getting asthma, tetanus and enteritis


Breast-feeding Staff Doctors

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Infectious Disease Physician

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