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2 Alfred Layan st، Syria st, Roushdy, Alexandria.

IVF Center

Agial’s IVF lab is considered one of the best and latest labs specialized in treating couples infertility in Egypt and the Middle East. We have a group of specialized doctors and qualified technicians, supervised by Dr. Hisham Saleh Prof of ob/GYN in the faculty of medicine Alexandria University, who achieved high success rates in IVF and artificial insemination with hundreds of cases in Egypt and abroad.

IVF Center


IVF Services

IVF Center


selected sperm injection (IMSI) is a technique used in IVF treatment to examine and select sperm using a high-magnification digital imaging microscope for microinjection into the egg

IVF Center

Sex Selection

choosing the genetic sex of the child, boy or girl, by testing the embryo(s) created through IVF before one is implanted in the uterus

IVF Center


IUI injects sperm into a uterus to decrease the sperm’s travel time to the egg

IVF Center

Time-lapse incubator

used to help select the embryos most likely to develop into a baby without removing them from the incubator

IVF Center


(LAH) is a laboratory procedure that loosens a blastocyst within its outer shell, allowing it to implant successfully once it is deposited onto the uterine lining

IVF Center

Egg/Embryo Freezing

It is a technique to preserve fertility when eggs are younger for a future pregnancy



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Infectious Disease Physician

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